2007年8月には、北海道最大の野外フェス「RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2007 in EZO」の公募選出ステージ,RISING★STAR (@GREEN OASIS)に839組より選出され出演。
2010年 Victor BabeStar RecordsからAlbumを2枚同時リリースし、メジャーデビューを果たす。
2012年 5月には自主レーベル[kitorina records]を立ち上げ、同年7月に三枚目のフルアルバム「hometown」をリリース。
2013年 北海道のファッションブランド【urnis】とのコラボレーション企画を行う。
2015年 Album「Unelma」リリース。
2018年 Album「Orb」リリース。2019年5月 初の海外ツアー。台湾(台北、新竹、苗栗)とタイ(バンコク)にて公演。
2019年 10月 札幌市青少年科学館のプラネタリウムにて4度目のライブを行う。
2022年 3月 拠点を札幌市から栗山町に移し制作スタジオkitorinaSTUDIO設立。
2023年 Single「Moment」リリース。
2024年 結成20th。
また、SAyAは「Rhythmy」名義でのソロ活動、西村は「mind-set」名義でソロ活動やエンジニア名義「brownpost」としてサカナクションの「GO TO THE FUTURE」や「NIGHT FISHING」などを手がけた実績を持つ。
Formed in Sapporo in 2004.
The unit consists of SAyA (Vo&Key,Programming,etc) and Satoshi Nishimura (Programming,Gt,etc), both of whom live in Sapporo.
SAyA’s highly transparent voice fuses with experimental and meticulously arranged tracks based on electronica with elements from other genres to create a unique world of its own.
In August 2007, they were selected from 839 groups to perform on the publicly selected stage, RISING★STAR (@GREEN OASIS), at Hokkaido’s largest outdoor festival, RISING SUN ROCK FESTIVAL 2007 in EZO. The band also focuses on space production such as video and decorations in their live performances, and has held one-man live performances at the planetarium of the Sapporo Science Museum for Youth, as well as the self-organized event “Madromironica” at the Glass Pyramid in Moerenuma Park, where they have developed their own activities that fuse art and music.
In 2010, he made his major label debut with the simultaneous release of two albums on Victor BabeStar Records.
In May 2012, she launched her own label [kitorina records], and released her third full-length album “hometown” in July of the same year.
In 2013, she collaborated with Hokkaido fashion brand “urnis”.
2015 Album “Unelma” released.
2018 Album “Orb” released.May 2019 First overseas tour. Performed in Taiwan (Taipei, Hsinchu, Miaoli) and Thailand (Bangkok).
October 2019 Performs for the fourth time at the planetarium of the Sapporo City Youth Science Museum.
2022 March: Moves its base of operations from Sapporo to Kuriyama-cho.
In addition, SAyA has been working as a solo artist under the name “Rhythmy”, and Nishimura has been working as a solo artist under the name “mind-set” and as an engineer under the name “brownpost”, and has worked on Sakanaction’s “GO TO THE FUTURE” and “NIGHT FISHING”.