2023.10.04 Released
Ⓟ&Ⓒ2023 kitorina records
Techno、Synth POP、Electronica、BreakBeats、Classic等、様々なジャンルの要素を散りばめた木箱の新境地ともいえる作品。
This song was born out of the desire to live positively despite the uncertainty of the future as the 2020 Corona disaster begins.
The song dramatically unfolds with an edgy and aggressive rhythm track, limited sounds, and a simple yet sad and impressive synth melody.
This is kibaco’s newest work, sprinkled with elements of various genres such as Techno, Synth POP, Electronica, BreakBeats, and Classical.
The album was mastered by Kotaro Kojima of FLAIR for the first time since the 2010 album “Kaisou Mirai,” and the sound is both refined and more aggressive.